Friday, February 21, 2014

End Of Posting..buat apa?


Allah lambatnya rasa walid nak habis tagging(orientasi) kat department baru. Penat menunggu walid habis kerja.Setiap hari 6am-12am( tapi setiap hari blk pkl 1am lbh)selama 2 minggu.Penat tak terkata! ( i seriously wonder how they want to achieve higher performance of HOs, when they treat HOs like robot! Macam mana nak kerja dengan x cukup tidur, letih rehat x cukup..? And then expect them to get back to work as fresh as their first day? This is ridiculous!)

Semoga walid tabah. Sikit lagi lah insyaAllah.

End Of Posting..buat apa?


Allah lambatnya rasa walid nak habis tagging(orientasi) kat department baru. Penat menunggu walid habis kerja.Setiap hari 6am-12am( tapi setiap hari blk pkl 1am lbh)selama 2 minggu.Penat tak terkata! ( i seriously wonder how they want to achieve higher performance of HOs, when they treat HOs like robot! Macam mana nak kerja dengan x cukup tidur, letih rehat x cukup..? And then expect them to get back to work as fresh as their first day? This is ridiculous!)

Semoga walid tabah. Sikit lagi lah insyaAllah.