Then, on laptop, melompat2 ke blog org, then teringat : Hey, today is the world's moms day - 10may. (Patutla byk entry psl hr ibu ~_^)Em, walaupun ramai org ckp, kt perlu celebrate ibu setiap hari, ttp bg saya, AT LEAST, hr ni adalah satu peringatan utk kita semua utk celebrate ibu, kan? sbb perkara yg berlaku secara 'setiap hari', selalunya dianggap common, smpai kdg2 kt bila ada st hari yg diletakkan tag 'Hari Ibu', terfikir juga la mcm2 cara utk menggembirakan ibu pd hari ini..So, what's ur plan then?
Em, ada sstgh org berhujah bhw hr ini tak blh disambut, sbb, tidaklah dpt diri ini utk komen dgn lbh lanjut dgn setitik ilmu je yg ada, yg penting, sy terasa kehangatan 'Hari Ibu', sm seperti hr2 special yg lain(kecuali yg mmg sah2 tak blh smbt. e.g : Valentine's day), sbb ini slh satu dr cr berkasih sayang, spt yg Islam anjurkan..
Em, taknak cakap byk, cuba bc ini. Best!
Kepada semua insan yg bergelar ibu, Selamat Hari Ibu !
[['Atiqah, mak long, Emak - raya '08]]
'The best thing to have from u is ur TRUST on me..and with that, i'm capable of doing lots of great things in life, including this early marriage..It's a bless, right? like i told u earlier..=) Thank You...again..n again! ^_^ '
[['Atiqah , Emak - Majlis 'Akad 071208]]
'Thank you for being such a veghi sporting mom-in-law. With you, i feel more like being with a good fren who i can freely express anything..just anything..Thank you for supporting us all this while..'
Truly, i'm SO grateful for having these two wonder girls (err, wonderful moms). Thank you Allah..Yap, definitely, 'Atiqah sayang kamu!